Error SSL

I am trying to create a new SSL with my damain but why do I always get a failure message like this

SSL certificate error: The provider encountered an error verifying the DNS settings of your domain name. Please double check your nameserver settings and try again later.

Error detail: Incorrect TXT record "vtdfN6kfyi3OHQR0DP5ThWLucpgGGotBhcwQrqpvcyA" (and 1 more)

Hi and welcome to the forum

You didn’t specify your domain, so we can’t give you a correct answer with certainty, but:


My domain is

That error usually just means that something went wrong during the SSL validation process. It doesn’t mean anything was setup incorrectly or that there is any problem. Like the client area also says, if you get this error: please try again later.

Because trying again usually works.


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