SSL Certificate Error


I’m trying to create a new self signed certificate but when I try to generate it reports me a error detailed below.

I’m not an expert with that. Can someone help me?


My DNS is set up through Cloudflare, I think everything is configured correctly.

Looking at some forums, I read that you don’t need to add any TXT record to Cloudflare (I don’t have any record). When I checked the TXT records it appear two, but I don’t declared any one.

Error Message

SSL certificate error: The provider encountered an error verifying the DNS settings of your domain name. Please double check your nameserver settings and try again later.

Error detail: Incorrect TXT record "sFtcCCyzJhGZVZbVc559CE6Ps_JUPCfn9WBXLCuR1b8" (and 1 more) found at

Thanks for all

More information

The SSL Certificates creation works.

Error Image

Your screenshot shows you’re trying to get a Let’s Encrypt certificate (in the “Certificate Provider” column).

Is there a chance you picked the wrong provider? If so, you may wish to start over, and ensure you picked “self signed” as an option.


This is a known issue with Cloudflare. Cloudflare also needs to issue SSL certificates for your domain to secure the connection between your visitors and Cloudflare, and other to verify your domain name, they will publish their own hidden records on the _acme-challenge subdomain, which takes precedence over your CNAME record.

The only thing we can do on our end is to check for this. But we cannot fix it, as this is a Cloudflare restriction.

If you are going to use Cloudflare, you don’t really need a regular SSL certificate anyways. A self signed SSL certificate works just as well, given that Cloudflare is handling the SSL that your visitors actually see.


Problem solved!

Now I understand the real problem .

Thanks for the explanation.

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