yo tengo un dominio .es de pago en otro hosting y me acaba ahora para dentro de 1 mes, queria traerlo con vosotros, ya que me he creado un honting con vosotros para aklmacenar mi pagina web, y queria traer mi dominio, ya que es .es y es el nombre e mi pagina web y sin el .es creo que tendria que hacerla toda.
Please type in English as this is an English form.
Also, note that InfinityFree is not a domain registrar, so you can’t transfer domains here. Instead, you can renew your domain with your current registrar, and keep the namservers pointed towards us.
Thank you for answering. So the procedure would be to renew the domain with my hosting and then communicate it to you and you would tell me what I have to put and where so that my website loads with that domain that I had, what is it? Is it correct? Would that be it? The procedure?
Yes, renew your domain with your current registrar (Or transfer to another one if you can find a cheaper price, NameCheap charges 19.98USD/yr). Then follow the guide Oxy posted above.
Thanks for answering, then I have to renew the domain with my hosting. I don’t see the guide you tell me, I open that page but I don’t know what the guide is.
I imagine that I will have to renew my domain, and once I still have it, ask the hosting where I have the domain and have them tell me the data I have to enter to paste it there in infinity free, right? so that the page can load on your hosting with that domain, right?
Just renew it and things should be fine. I don’t think that your nameservers would change after a renew.
I don’t know what do you mean by “I don’t know what the guide is”, it’s right here and I suppose you already went through it once if you already added your domain here.
Still wrong. We aren’t a domain registrar and you never get some auth codes and paste them here.
You need to configure your domain name with your domain name provider so traffic is directed to our servers. We give you the details of where the domain needs to go, so you can configure those with your domain name provider.
What those details are can be found in the guide @Oxy linked too:
We don’t need any information from your domain name provider, other than the domain name itself, of course.
And to be clear, at that point, InfinityFree will be your hosting provider. The company where you purchased your domain name is then only the domain name provider (also called domain registrar), not your host.
Thank you very much, and one question, now to create my honyig with you, and to be able to upload my website, you tell me to select a domain extension from the ones you have there, then since I have my .es domain, I could change it without a problem, right?
That is to say, I create my honting with you with an extension of yours that you offer for free, then I would upload my website to my hosting, which is yours, and then I could change my extension that I had for the domain for mine for free, which is .It’s true? no problem
Why not just create your hosting account with your custom domain from the very beginning? Moving sites is usually complicated even within the same hosting account.
There’s no such thing called “change my extension”, as that’s not how domains worked.
Sure, if you want, you can create your website on a free subdomain first, and then add your own .es domain later on.
However, moving the site to a different domain later on is more difficult than setting it up on the right domain from the start, so I would only suggest doing this if you have an existing site on your .es domain which you want to keep running while building a new site here.
Thank you for answering. I already have a web page created with the name .es (which is that domain). I have made a backup copy of my page and I am going to upload it to your hosting and that is why I wanted to keep the domain, because it is the one that I have the name of my page, which is for example www.name.es. What should I do? I already have the hosting created with you, now what should I renew my domain and then ask that hosting to set the parameters so that they point to your server? And after that would I import my website or do I do it before renewing my domain? Thank you
To add your own domain, please follow this guide, it lists all the steps you need:
As for your domain registration: you will need to keep the domain registration, because you need to own the .es domain to be able to host it with us. Where you want to keep this registration is your decision. All you need is the ability to change the nameservers of the domain, which is very common.
Thank you for answering, if I understood it and this is the process: I have my subdomain .es, which is the one that gives the name to my page on a hosting, so I should renew that domain with them to continue maintaining .es. For now it would be not that way? and once I renew, I would have to notify you to be able to bring that domain to infinity, and instead of my page being www.name.free.nh it would be www.name.es?, or I would have to paste some information where I have the sudomain so that when it loads it will redirect me to the page that I have in infinity free??? I am now going to import my copy of my website to your infinity hosting, which I already have created and wanted to use it here? It tells me that it usually takes 72 hours for the domain to become effective, should I wait to import my website?
Are you using machine translation to write your message? If you need it, that’s fine. But your message is riddled with vague descriptions and non-standard terminology, so I cannot tell if you are paraphrasing what I’m saying in a very creative way, or if you just don’t understand me.
To keep using your .es domain, you will need to maintain the domain name registration for your domain. You can do that with the company where you currently have your domain name, or another provider of your choice.
That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to renew your domain right now. It only needs to be renewed if it’s going to expire soon. But that’s something between you and your domain name provider. There is nothing we can actually do for you here.
And given that you haven’t shared which domain name you’re trying to setup, it’s hard to give more specific information.
Doing so will direct all traffic for your .es domain to our servers, and configure our servers so that it will link the domain to your account so you can setup a website on it.
I would suggest to first add your domain and then import your website. You can import it on your subdomain first too, but then you’ll have to do extra work to transfer it back to your .es domain later on.
So to keep it simple: if you don’t plan to actually have people visit the website on your subdomain, just ignore the subdomain, and let’s focus on getting the website set up on your .es domain with us.