My current Domain provider doesn’t allow the Infinity Free Nameservers, because their answers are not authorative.
→ Nameserver Check - DENIC eG
My Domain provider also doesn’t allow setting up CNAME records for TLDs, only for subdomains So what options do I have so that I can point to my infinityfree webspace ?
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They shouldn’t allow CNAME on root, because this is the standard. They should behave like this.
That is to say, our CNAME verification requires you to set up a CNAME record on a subdomain, not on the root directly. DId you read the instructions carefully enough?
In my case it’s a .de domain.
Using a subdomain would mean that my TLD would point to a blank page (I’ve got just domain there, no storage) and only would point to my site here?
The verification record is put on a subdomain. This doesn’t mean that you can only host a subdomain, because that subdomain is meant to add the full domain to the system.
Please read the guide carefully, as it contains everything you need to know.