Domain for Mail

@Admin have you ever thought of bringing mail for domain to infinity free, how much would it cost, it would be really nice, people can either get [email protected] or create mail with their own domain [email protected]. What do other users think?


It is already possible. You can do it with either a free subdomain or a regular domain you own. However, you can’t host the email account directly on Infinityfree; you need to find an email hosting provider. There is a guide on how to set one up using improvmx and Gmail combination.


of course ı know and ı am able to add MX and TXT record but what I mean is that it is stored in infinityfree

InfinityFree used to offer email with free hosting accounts, but they don’t anymore. This was largely due to how much it was abused by spammers, as well as the problematic quality and reliability of the service.


I don’t think @Admin will bring it back.

“The mistakes in individual parts of the group will affect the reputation of the whole group.”

In general, some of the free domains provided by Infinityfree already suffer from multiple, recurrent suspensions due to bad reports received from one of its subdomains. The domain itself doesn’t violate any law, but subdomains under that domain do, which is bad for the reputation of that particular domain.

Some antivirus programs and services often block IP addresses or domain names from Infinityfree due to false-positives and user reports. They do not just ban the specific subdomain or IP address, but also the whole domain name. Check out the forum topics about the “Google Safe Browsing” problem from various users.

The same thing goes for email (just like what @EdgarHamHam told us).


For the record, pining Admin is useless, he has pings disabled.

And yes, free hosting used to have email that was discontinued (well over 5 years ago I believe). The reasons why are spread out amount the form, but it boiled down to “spam” and “the implementation was never that good in the first place”.

And now there is really no need for IF to provide it as you can get free forwarding with Cloudflare, and there are probably hundreds of SMTP services out there, a lot of which offer free plans.


Email is hard and it’s not our specialty. I don’t expect it will ever be back, especially when services like ImprovMX and Cloudflare Email Routing exist that can do email forwarding.


Thank you for your answers. Is it possible to create MX and TXT records as DNS records and move them to the free plan instead of premium? Because my domain name points to infinity free. I wanted to send an email to [email protected], but I can’t create a txt or mx record. Thanks for your answers in advance.

Yes, it is possible to create mx record. You need to open the control panel of your hosting account, scroll and go to the mx entry page, and add them. However, txt records are not supported on free hosting. I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t be able to send emails without txt records. If you meant spf txt records, then yes, you can add them. They are located right behind the mx entry link in the control panel.