I have some emails that uses my subdomains which is under the 000.pe domain ([email protected]) I even have money on them, and I’m worried about losing it all. Any updates ?
Updated will be posted here when they are received. The only people that can resolve this is NameCheap and the registry.
Our official recommendation is to not transfer your website to a new domain name, and just wait for us and our suppliers to fix this.
We cannot guarantee any time to resolution, but migrating your website might take you a lot of effort (and a lot of unnecessary strain on our systems) all for your old site to come back up the moment you finished migrating everything.
Please understand that this suspension doesn’t make 000.pe an inherently less reliable subdomain than others. There is no reason to assume that this domain will be suspended again any more than with any other domain after this.
There is also nothing to suggest that the domain 000.pe might be lost permanently. And no matter how long this takes, your website contents are completely safe. We have experienced many domain suspensions over the years, but never a total loss of a domain.
So yes, you can migrate your website to another domain, but realize that it will take you effort which might be completely wasted.
do you have any information about the issue? is there any way to visit the uploaded website without the domain? for example with the ip address?
No, you can’t visit a site hosted on InfinityFree with just the IP address alone.
I dont wanna migrate my website, I just wanna have access to my emails which had money and important stuff in them. Is there any way to access my emails ? Because everytime I send an email to my 000.pe it doenst arrive
That makes sense, because the DNS is down so the sending server does not know where it should go.
Again, you can’t fix it, we can’t fix it. The only person who can is the registry, you just have to be patient.
Because it’s just a DNS issue, you can simply restore local access by adding records in the hosts file.
is it known when it will be available again?
According to the InfinityFree administrators in this post, it is unknown when the domain 000.pe would come back online. InfinityFree administrators would post when the domain comes online again, so to everyone reading this post, please avoid asking any questions related to 000.pe’s status. Trust me, I am in the same boat as everyone else dealing with the outage, and we are in the hopes that Namecheap and the regisry would be able to bring 000.pe online once more.
Again, simply put to everyone: Please avoid asking any questions related to 000.pe’s status. InfinityFree administrators will let everyone know about the progress of bringing 000.pe back online.
Thank You.
If the fixing date cannot be provided, what is the easiest way to migrate the whole html/mysql content into another free domain under your umbrella?
Kindly advise a quick method. Thank you.
We still haven’t heard anything from Namecheap about this, but they are also not very specific about the exact status on their end.
Again, it’s out of our control, and we can’t do anything but wait for Namecheap and the .PE registry do their thing.
In short:
- Add a new (sub)domain to your existing hosting account.
- Move the website files to the directory of the new domain: How to move a website to a different directory
- Update your website configuration to use the new domain name. How to do this depends on how your website is built.
You don’t need to move any databases. Also, do not create a new hosting account for the new domain name, unless you want to create a lot of extra work for yourself with no benefit.
Is there a way I (and others) could acces my site by bypassing the 000.pe domain? I suppose by using an IP-number pointing to the site? I would like to show the site to some people for checking.