Does InfinityFree use Blade components?

It really does.


It’s still by far the worst and most incompetent user interface I had no choice but to work with especially when dealing with ads due to business needs.


What about discord that transitioned to react native for their mobile apps?

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Hi TiffanyLynch,

I once used Discord very lightly on mobile but it might be before they transitioned to react. However, I won’t be installing discord anymore due to high risk on their application background and untrusted privacy terms.



No wonder it sucks then.
The GUI was better until the summer of last year, now I get crashes and the mobile force stops it due to too much memory consumption, let alone the annoying bugs.

I lost respect in them after they refused to look into the problem that I have been facing since April of this year. The upload API has blacklisted my country (403 error). No matter how many times I explained to them, they told me to contact my ISP provider (The 403 response literally said that the server itself has blocked my location)



Hi Ziverre and TiffanyLynch,

Basically, Discord lost my trust since their last major business change, Telegram is next in line. I have a very strict policy in terms of trust especially when dealing with code.



When did that happen though? Ive been a member since 2019 there.


Here’s what you’re looking for, if you’re seeking the time when they switched to React Native.


Sorry I meant the privacy term changes.


They are both built around the concept of components. Livewire generates the components server side, React generates them client side.

React is much more powerful than Livewire. But it also requires working with a different language and framework than Laravel. This requires a different skillset and toolchain to use properly.

Livewire is great for the cases where you want the features of a dynamic SPA, but you don’t have (enough) React and Typescript expertise on your team to build a real SPA.

That’s pretty much the whole sales pitch of Livewire: giving (backend) developers a way to build dynamic web pages without the fuss of learning and using a frontend framework.

I’ve been there. Never again.

I’ve worked on a project that have attempted to build a (more or less) dynamic frontend with jQuery, which is a relatively thin wrapper around plain Javascript compared to frameworks like React. It very quickly became a complete and utter mess of loose scripts, triggers, functions and so on, where you couldn’t move a single HTML tag without breaking at least one script on some page in some surprising way. And because every page had a unique blend of copy-pasted scripts from the rest of the site, it was basically impossible to make any changes.

Using plain Javascript or jQuery for anything more than a few very light sprinkles rapidly becomes a huge, fragile, unmaintainable spaghetti code mess.

React works completely differently. Instead of working on top of the HTML code generated on the server, the HTML code is generated from the React code. This allows for React to tie business logic and HTML content together much more nicely, and reuse these in components across a project.

The benefits become much greater if you’re working with different developers with different specializations. With React, the backend developer only needs to develop a single (REST) API on the server. The frontend developer can easily use in their React frontend, and have full control over how the data is displayed and how it can be interacted with. Meanwhile, the mobile app developer can consume the exact same server API from within the mobile app using their language and framework of choice.

And all of these codebases can be developed and tested independently, allowing different teams with different specializations to work on the same project, and build and release at their own pace.


I love Livewire. I used it to create!


I played around with Livewire a bit last night, trying to convert the account creation wizard to Livewire (the current multi-step form code isn’t the prettiest).

And I really like how it works! Setting it up and using it was surprisingly simple, although I do find it’s more easy to make mistakes with validation and authorization when request and state information isn’t as clearly separated. And getting ReCAPTCHA to work with it was quite a struggle. But it really works very nicely.


are you using a package for recaptcha? What I’d just do is make a validation rule, then run it through that.


No, I don’t use anything for that. The difficult part is rendering the widget and handling the reply. Normally, the widget is rendered on page load and the response written to a form field, but neither of those things work with Livewire. And then you think it works, but then you try what happens if the form fails, and it explodes.

Doing the actual check is the easy part.


ah. you should make a validation rule, much more straightforward!


You misunderstand. The problem isn’t validating the response on the server, the problem is getting the widget to work correctly in the browser.

The problem is caused by the widget lifecycle. The widget is not present when the page is loaded (it’s only added during a later form step), which prevents the automatic rendering from working. And the widget is not reset if the form fails.


that is indeed a problem. have you considered switching to cloudflare turnstile? It’s what I use and the package for it works great.

Turnstile had been tried out in the past, but I believe was deemed a bit problematic, for example you can check out this thread:

Aside from that, it did not offer any significant improvement over reCAPTCHA, so the captcha was switched back to that.


ah. get the one twitter uses, made me do 70 verifications to login!


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