Dns issues pls help me out


(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)


This site can’t be reached

arshgti.online’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.

  • [Try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).


(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

Brawl on suspected with Infinity Free I am facing the same error again and again such bad whenever buy a new domain from hostinger And connect it to Infinity free hosting it works add initial day but after that I have start g please help me out etting this above error even my dns is connected properly pls help me out.

No, it’s not.
This is what I see

Make sure you do this


The WHOIS information for your domain says that the current domain status is serverHold. That means the domain name has been suspended.

Please contact your domain registrar (Hostinger) to resolve this.


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