Custom domain

Error Message

Your domain is not yet pointing to our nameservers ns1. infinityfree .com and ns2. infinityfree. com. Please change your nameservers at your domain name provider and wait a few hours for the changes to take effect.

Other Information

I’m from Brazil and I use
However, when I enter ns1. infinityfree. com and ns2. infinityfree. com for the domain, it says that the account has not yet been created on the server.

And on the server, when I enter my .com . br domain, it says that the domain’s nameserver has not yet been changed.

I’m at a standstill. I need the server InfinityFree to let me create the account with my domain so that I can update nameservers at the registrar, please.

Hi and welcome to the forum! You can try adding your domain with CNAME verification instead:


Thanks! It works.


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