Don’t know if it is posted elsewhere, but you can test DNS herre:
Hi and welcome to the forum
Or you can simply look in the client area (after choosing acc)
it says Website IP
I use dig
to check the website IPs, as I have it already on my MacBook. But even then both the Client Area and the tool you listed are good candidates, @FNIS_Fadman.
Hello all. It appears the outage has ended for me, my website is now back in order.
Topic is open again
Para cuando se espera la solución de la caída de estos servidores?
Hi and welcome to the forum! This is an English-speaking forum, so please post in English.
We do not know when a solution is expected. If we have updates, they will be shared in the pinned topic related to the outage.
For now all we can do is wait.
We have no official information,
but based on previous experience it could be DDoS (so these IPs are null routed to minimize the damage of a DDoS attack)
or it is about some maintenance on the servers that were not successful (for many reasons) so it was repeated. Currently, websites on that IP are returning error 403 - which leads me to believe that this is the reason.
If the first is the case, then the ETA is quite unknown.
Can I make and download a backup even with the server down? Could you please help me and tell me how to do it?
if FTP works (in your case) of course you can
It does not connect to FTP says authentication error and I am giving it the parameters I have for the account.
Then I assume that your FTP is disabled until the work on the file server is completed
so that any attempt to read and write to the disk(server) is prevented so as not to interfere with the process
Olá boa tarde, meu site está na porta no ips eo meu site é o ele esta com o erro 403 acesso negado. Tem previsão de volta, pois vi que o comentario tem 2 dias. Obrigado desde já.
Hi and welcome to the forum! Please note that this is an English-speaking forum and so you must speak in English or at least provide an accurate translation of your content. Since you didn’t do that I’m gonna translate it for you:
Seems like they’re trying to do something on the servers now, like updating PHP, since the error is caused on the FastCGI server that powers PHP on free hosting.
Have you logged in to the control panel previously? Can you connect via a desktop client?
I cant even access the ip either not just my website
We couldn’t find that page.
Please check to make sure you’ve typed the URL correctly.
This webserver is CaSe SenSiTiVe so ensure capital letters in the URL match the files uploaded. get that.this is my address
This is shared hosting, that IP isn’t dedicated, and under whatever situation, you don’t access IPs.
Please be paitient until the problem was resolved.
We got new information so everyone who didn’t read it
please read the updated version of the pinned topic