Welcome to the forum! This is an English-speaking forum, please ensure your posts (and titles) are in English.
I see this:
The domain appears to not belong to an account, and behaves like any unassigned subdomain.
Your title from a machine translation is “Delete the entire domain and server”, so I’m thinking the follow articles may help you:
If you’ve moved your website to another hosting provider, or simply don’t need a particular website anymore, you may wish to delete a hosting account on InfinityFree.
However, due to legal reasons, InfinityFree is not allowed to delete your account right away. But you can set up your account so that it will be deleted as soon as possible.
Under no circumstances can we delete your hosting earlier on request. Please do not submit any support request through email, on our forums or in any other w…
If you want to completely leave InfinityFree and have all your details deleted, you can delete your client area profile yourself.
When can I delete my profile
To delete your profile, you cannot have any hosting accounts. Any hosting accounts you’ve created before must be completely deleted to be able to delete your profile. Deactivating a hosting account is not enough!
What happens if I delete my profile
If you delete your profile, the following will happen:
Your client area profile, along w…
If not, please explain the problem you’re facing in a more clear way.