And all of the sudden yesterday morning it stopped loading,
I have double checked the c name and dns configuration. They are all set.
I got the error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. This means that there is a problem with my DNS configuration – the error happens before the request gets to PythonAnywhere
NO, that did not fix the issue !, i have done that myself multiple times, but still the site is not loading.
this is the error i am getting
the error is within infinity free as indicated by the above error
Hope this helps.
i am planning to do that, but it will not fix the issue,
as every thing was working for weeks and suddenly Monday Moring oct 2 2023
it stopped working for no reason at all .
my app is still in development phase.
Thank you for investigating the issue and providing detailed feedback. I understand the concerns regarding the A record not correctly returning the CNAME as expected. I’ve ensured that my site subdomain points to the CNAME of PythonAnywhere as per the configuration on InfinityFree.
Concerning the NS records, I deeply value your emphasis on the importance of adhering to official DNS specifications. While I recognize from your feedback that the absence of these records might not be the immediate root of the problem, adhering to standards is crucial for maintaining system integrity and future troubleshooting. For clarity, I’ve configured NS records for the primary domain . It’s noteworthy to mention that `` operates as a subdirectory under the main domain, and its configuration is built upon that foundation
However, what is the proposed solution? How can I fix the issue? Your response doesn’t indicate a fix, which is the primary purpose of this entire conversation. I’m seeking actionable steps or recommendations to resolve this matter promptly
Please don’t use an AI to write your posts. It is very easy for AI to hide your actual question, and waste everyone’s time. Future AI generated posts will be flagged and removed. AI has its benefits, but writing support queries is not one of them.
I am not sure what the status of the namserver/A/CNAME thing is, but please try removing the subdomain via the control panel (Open, select account, select “Control Panel”, select “Subdomains”). After it is removed, refresh the page and try adding it back in again. You may have to clear your DNS cache (Or try visiting the site on a different device/network).
I did all those things before but still the issue is persistent. i did everything from my end, the issue is within infinity free. that is why i posted it on the forum to seek admin help!
Okay, please be patient then. Posting multiple times won’t get your problem resolved sooner and is cluttering the forum. The Admin checks all posts and, since the issue has been reported and acknowledged, will let you know on what will be done next.
The proposed solution is for you to wait while I am contacting the people who can actually fix this issue to fix it. You cannot solve this yourself and neither can I.
Please don’t touch anything or create more posts about this, none of those things will help to resolve this issue. If there is anything you can or should do, I will tell you. Until then, please have patience.
Besides that, I don’t have anything else to share. This issue is caused by an update to the DNS software that’s being used. If or how this behavior can be changed is not clear, so this may take a while.