Error Message: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for failed: No such host is known.
I have attempted to resolve this by updating my hosts file and flushing my DNS cache, but the issue persists. Could you please verify the correct IP address for Any guidance or troubleshooting steps would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards, Herman InfinityFree Account Username: if0_37969990
Looks like we’ve hit a limitation with InfinityFree’s free hosting: external connections to the MySQL database are restricted. You can only connect through PHP scripts hosted on your InfinityFree account or via their phpMyAdmin.
Indeed. Its a well documented and deliberate restriction. I had the same thought at one point because I wanted to use infinity to make score boards for my games. But it makes sense, Infinityfree is for website hosting. If we could access the databases externally, then it would be tempting to make an API service.
that and in a way it adds a layer of security too, to limit hackers from trying to access our databases (not that I think its likely)