I would like to request your assistance with a problem I have been experiencing with an application designed to upload PDF templates to a remote server. While the functionality works correctly in the local environment, I am unable to successfully upload files to the remote server.
I would appreciate any information regarding whether the free version of the service I am using has limitations on the size or type of files that can be uploaded.
Uhh, no. InfinityFree does not support uploading PDF files. In fact, if you take a look at the knowledge base, they’re specifically listed as one of the file types that are automatically deleted after uploading.
No! There is no reason you should have to use CHMOD on InfinityFree. Files already have the correct permission to be used, edited, and executed. @Rufoelgrande if you’re uploading those PDF templates to your InfinityFree site, you’re not going to be able to do that, despite the false advice you’ve been given. Instead, upload them to a third-party file hosting service like @Greenreader9 suggested, and publish download links to them on your website.