Account suspended, unable to open ticket

Website URL

Error Message

Account Suspended
Your account is suspended this could be due to reaching limits of your hosting plan or for abuse.

Other Information

When I click the ‘Make a support ticket to find out more’ link, I just get redirected to


That’s normal. In the client area, go to your suspended account and click the red button that says something along the lines of “Create support ticket” and state your issue. Then wait for somebody to respond (it may take a couple of hours).


Thanks for the suggestion! There is no such button in the client area, unfortunately.

Can you screenshot the client area and send it here?


Sure, here you go.

That account is not suspended.


Just because you are redirected to the suspended page does not mean the domain is, in fact, suspended.


You missed what OP mentioned.


My guess is that the account may have been suspended before?

I don’t think that message appears anywhere besides the client area, right?

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This is the first time the account got suspended in the 3+ years I’ve been using InfinityFree. Another editor was putting together a page in the Wordpress admin area when they got redirected to the suspended account page.

The error only shows up only in cPanel, which also now has limited functions available - attached screenshot (all ticket links under the Support section just link back to the dashboard.)

I read the forum posts on possible suspension reasons and I’m sure there must be a legitimate reason but I just don’t know what it is or how to find out, now that I am locked out.

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There must have been a mis-communication between the Client area and the backend system causing the client area not to show the site as suspended.

The Ticket button in the control panel does not work, as you should create the ticket in the client area instead (Which you cannot do since they are not synced up).

You can either wait for Admin to come sync them manually, or you can create an account at and request the reason (and/or reactivation) for the account.


Thanks so much for your insight, Greenreader9!
I created a ticket on as suggested. Hopefully we can get this resolved soon!

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Try making an account on , create a support ticket there, and state your issue alongside including your hosting account username. The client area maybe forgot to show that your account is actually suspended :slight_smile:

The status of your account is now synced in the client area. We’re still investigating why the status of your account did not get processed correctly on our end.


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