A Full Guide To Cloudflare

do you think we should lock this thread ?
and possibly split this after the guide into its own thread to keep the guide clean ?

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While locking this Topic/Thread would help with keeping the Topic/Thread clean, if in the future an edit needs to be made [If somebody spots that an edit is needed] it’s better to keep the Topic/Thread open then clutter the Topics section with (a) Topic(s) that ask that an edit be made.

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This is a community guide, so anyone that has been on the forum long enough can edit it. We generally keep community guide topics open to allow users to ask related questions, ask for more details on a step, etc.

If a users posts an entirely new question and it creates a kinda-off-topic thread within a thread, we merge it away to a new topic.

If these posts begin to get too messy, the auto-close rules will be put in place, but as of now leaving them open seems to be working pretty well.


thanks :+1: