72 hour to go sstill my website not showing also my domain noot verfied


Works fine for me:

Try the advice in this article:


How to verify domain

Please help

Please help and check still showing dns not published

Did you hit that “Setup CNAME Records automatically”?


Both pictures are showing different issues.
Regarding the first one, have you created the CNAME record needed? Follow this tutorial:

As for the second, have you set up MX records?



I suppose that you don’t need MX records now — the second image you posted matter NOTHING AT ALL.

Try hitting it again, if it says something like “No change”, then you probably have some rotten luck. Either wait longer or try to create a new certificate. Usually these are issued with 1 hour.


It showing current destination not ready

second its showing its verify the domain

Can you remove the domain and add it back then?


If i remove my domain so site will not working

But then you can add it back, and so after a while your website will work again.

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In ssl certificate current destination not ready what will do now

Now you’ll have to click on “Set up DNS records automatically”, then you’ll have to wait an hour until the DNS record for the CNAME propagates.

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Take note website is violating TOS


Didn’t notice that until now!

The website is similar to zenlighttube.rf.gd, but how come it is not banned? It’s both video sharing?

They’re both video sharing, and they both got suspended exactly when you posted the website I needed to check.


if I upgrade my account, will I be able to host a video sharing website?

I don’t think so. Hosting copies of movies without express permission is piracy and it is highly punishable in many places. Both us at InfinityFree and I’m sure at iFastNet don’t want to be associated with illegal activities.

Also, I’m not a lawyer. But I’m pretty sure that if you have the illegal movie sharing website and there’s someone that uses your website (and/or downloads the movie from your site) that both you and them can be charged with piracy.