20000 forum users - Awesome Special Event!

you are going on IGNORE because of the last picture

The US persuaded Ukraine to hand over its nuclear arsenal and was a guarantor of its integrity (borders) and that it would defend it in the event of an attack (as well as countries that signed the agreement).

So the US not only needs to help, but it is also an obligation both morally and because it is the signatory to that contract.

Also it is clear who the author is (he has Trump’s DNA in his blood) and what cheap tricks he uses, it is the same way when minorities are blamed for some problem in the country because it is easiest to hit the weakest and completely simplifying a problem and then directing it at someone else to spread hatred.


As I saw, the US… first is in Vietnam War, the 2nd is Afghanistan, the 3rds is…yes, certainly now in Ukraine. Poor me and poor you, Trump and Biden is difference side and…that’s picture…you see ? It’s not look like Trump.
PS: Croatia not support Ukraine as Nato said.

You have to understand that in our country the president does not have the same powers as in some other countries (he is more of a mascot) apart from that, the only thing he does is counter with all the decisions of the prime minister
because he is a jealous idiot and no one even likes him

And as for the statistics

Croatia helps militarily, humanitarian, legally, the treatment of the wounded and rehabilitation, the reception of refugees, and in other ways UA

As far as military aid is concerned, the DoD keeps it secret and does not want to comment at all (neither confirm nor deny a certain allegation)
because several countries in the neighborhood would like to know (former enemy or possible)

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Overloaded? (most of the time it doesn’t work)

Screenshot 2024-10-02 151351

Screenshot 2024-10-02 151434


I think someone forgot to finish editing this email template


It doesn’t seem like it. Not at the time you posted that, anyway. There were some FTP connection issues around that time, but I can’t trace it back to any issues on the client area side.


This is a lovely example of a Wimshurst generator

I’ve always liked these and remember when the science museum in london used to have one inside a glass display, one of the glass panels had a cutout

The sign read “Place forehead into hole and turn handle rapidly” which resulted in a zap to the head :rofl:. I miss the old days


what the hell did I just watch :rofl:


Not exactly news, but

Is this stupid
  • Yes
  • Definiely yes
0 voters

(Test result comes from my device)

(If you don’t exactly know what is this, China blocked docker)

And I lost my regular status :confused:


You’ve got to give some more love to get the badge back. Start clicking that heart button next to a post you think it helpful :heart:


I just found this old sci-fi series written by one half of the red dwarf authors, its very strange and interesting



That’s L3/L4 attack. We are so lucky, we’re still survival :sweat_smile:

1 Like

use this theme/scheme



Adding to what @Oxy said: @HuyRemy, if you change the colour scheme, my eyes will thank me as well!

Tomorrow we also celebrate 100 years of radio transmissions, and the first radio broadcaster to do it is the public service! It’s just that I can’t stay up all night to listen to the first programme that celebrates that, so will have to get the podcast if I couldn’t be able to stay up…


And soon we have your birthday and before that the birthday of ChrisPAR …

You will then change those 19y from BIO or it has already become obsolete a long time ago ?


I will then try to change them on all platforms, always if I don’t forget that…

I also wanted to post the article that tells people how to change the site name on Google search on the new poster’s topic but closed his topic as soon as I copied the link… Maybe for the next time!

Now I saw his new topic and posted the link like I was an automated response bot as well! So now, after my instant like functionality, I also have the instant reply functionality!


The next time your age number starts with the digit 1 will be when you are over 100 years old :scream:

When one opens a topic then 10 appear on the same topic :upside_down_face:
as if there was a glitch in the matrix


If I’ll ever live after that, which should be impossible but as long as I’m in good health I should be good…