20000 forum users - Awesome Special Event!

Well, sometimes it can do math right. But when it does it right, it usually makes it more complicated then it needs to be.

(I took one step, it took 5)

This exactly

And yeah, you had (have?) good luck with translation stuff because that’s language-based, and more related to what it was trained to do then math is.

EDIT: looking back, it actually did mess up. It declares X as “tons”, which means it output should have been “8,333,333,333.33333…”. It answer is only correct if X is defined as “Billion Tons”, in which it was not.

(And yes, I know it’s “Tonne”, not “Ton”)


Car extends vehicle and duck extends bird…an Employee is a Person !
Fruit is class and Apple is object. A class is a template for objects an object is an instance of a class.
variables are called properties and functions are called methods (in a class) try…catch…
Constructor! Constructor! Constructor! parent-child-interface !!!
byte, short, int, long, …YES/NO ON/OFF TRUE/FALSE 1/0
float, double, boolean, char while loop method return void break get and set
private public console log if echo! & * + - = == === | || :


esc_html_e('What's wrong with you Oxy?', 'frank419');

Since you spammed some seemingly PHP let me spam some WordPress

WordPress 6.5 is out by the way:

I sometimes hate how WordPress just became a bloat all about GutenBerg…



I remembered my old days and OOP
and how nothing was clear to me (whyy whyyy but whyyy ??!?!)
in short, everything as in this conversation


I just had a really obnoxious customer in the shop when I was really busy and they wasn’t satisfied that I wasn’t kissing their ass

Then it happened, he said “I’m a streamer and I can ruin your business, do you even know what a streamer is ?” looking smug

I replied “Yes, I know what you are … A lazy fool that sits in front of their computer for hours talking sh1t on your webcam while bigger fools donate money to your broke ass”

Every customer in the shop laughed and the fool left the shop :smiley:


Since when I can’t add spf (which is essentially txt record) to free subdomain? Then how’s the “Receive emails from free subdomain” guide? ;-;
@B0binch0 try to select the free subdomain. It isn’t showing up.


Strange for me it’s working, I can add spf I just tested


But I think that is only when your subdomain is still under your “Addon Domains” section of the Control Panel; not for subdomains that are on the “Subdomains” section.




Apparently the Softaculous iFastNet uses for free hosting have cPanel’s APIs (IDK whether it’s the UAPI or the API 2, looks like UAPI to me but then why we have the X3 theme) working:


this looks like fun :smiley:


recently I asked chatgpt for a fractional approximation to pi and it got the answer wrong twice

I was sure in my mind that even though its a language model it should be able to do math so today I asked this

there you go, it thinks it can do math but it cant


I believe Softaculous on free hosting is frankensteined on the hosting through cPanel. Softaculous thinks it’s talking to cPanel, but the files and databases are actually written through to the free hosting system.

I’m not sure why it works like that when Softaculous also has a custom panel API, but maybe that didn’t exist yet when Softaculous was first integrated, and there was no reason to switch over to the direct integration.


I think it’s time for me to rework the directory structure of my theme so it don’t eventually became a nightmare to find anything for me (It currently looks like this and it’s already hard for me to find something):

So templates files like carousel.php can go into templates, functions.php can get chunked up and have separate files like includes/customize.php, includes/sidebars.php, and blah blah blah

Also download all the 10+ font chunks from Google Fonts and dump them into the fonts folder to keep safe with GDPR

Maybe add more sidenotes into the code so I won’t got lost with my own code one day (That happened a lot)

BTW I recently figured out why comment-reply.js isn’t taking any effect at all — it turns out that Rocket Loader from CloudFlare break it completely. So do not enable something if you don’t know what it is for.


I think that InfinityFree is the biggest if not the only source of information for ifastnet (as a kind of debugging tool).

We are the first to discover problems or wrong decisions on IFN.
I imagine what it would be like without this forum,
it would be difficult to discover a lot, and much more difficult for the users themselves to express the problem.

Through contact with IFN support or email, it would be difficult to see any trend and to be able to know if something has gone crazy, especially if these messages end up individually with various help agents who do not communicate with each other.

Members from the US - is everything ready?


Preliminary support for dark mode :partying_face:

As a reminder to me, check Cloudflare cache before attempting to waste more QUIC.cloud CCSS quota :upside_down_face:


Screenshot 2024-04-05 191831

Screenshot 2024-04-05 191513


Yes! I will make sure to stare at the beautiful eclipse!
I am joking of course


Yup. Going to play the game of “do camera lenses get damaged by prolonged exposure to the sun”