"Your FTP quota has been exceeded" error

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Error Message

Your FTP quota has bern exceeded

I have barely 30-40mb of files there. But whenever i try to upload any more it throws this error.

Any suggestion is appreciated

Thanks in advance

Please read


Different error.

The “Your FTP quota has been exceeded” error is a specific error from MonstaFTP. It seems to happen randomly and it’s not clear to us why it happens sometimes for some people on some actions. But it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with what you’re uploading or what’s already on your account.

We should fix this issue but haven’t been able to do so yet. In the mean time, you may want to skip the online file manager and use a desktop FTP client like FileZilla instead.


I know filemanager.ai loves throwing Your FTP account quota has been exceeded even when you are well below any limits, that’s why I use FileZilla instead.

The issue was with the filemanager.ai
As soon as i started using another FTP manager it worked

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