Yesterday, I made the mistake of adding an “s” to my Wordpress site URL: From http:// → Ever since, I can no longer access my site, and the only error message is “Connection has timed out”. No other clue as to what the real problem is. Even though I have debug turned on in wp-config, and error reporting in PHP Directives.
I have tried so many things to fix this, even ChatGPT 2nd tier support couldn’t help. After changing the URL to “https” in Wordpress, I successfully installed a Google SSL certificate in my admin panel here. (I tested this as working, with a 3rd party site).
I added code in WP’s .htaccess file to force HTTPS, as prescribed in the help files on IFree. I added code in wp-config also (“force_ssl_admin”), and made sure the URLs listed there were https. I also changed the URLs in my PHP database (“home”/“site url”). In both wp_ and wpus_ tables. I renamed my plugins folder to disable it, and also changed my Wordpress theme to twentysixteen, in PHP. I cleared browser caches, turned off the WP cache, and tested in private browser windows, etc. etc.
I am stuck now as to what to do, as I don’t want to have to reinstall my Wordpress yet again. One possible clue: I noticed in the Wordpress management page in “Softaculous”, that it still has the old site URL of “http://”. It also has the wrong database table name of “wp28”. I am not sure if the information on this page affects my Wordpress installation, but even if it does, I am not able to correct the record, as the fields are grayed out.
Please point me in the right direction…