WP cronjobs

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I’ve had my website for a month now, and have had constant errors on WP about crons not running. I’m aware that they’re not really a thing on the free plan, and I’m curious if there is any workaround for now as I can’t afford premium hosting.

Is there any way to run crons manually or something? Because when I try the “run now” option inside the WP admin panel, nothing happens.
This is just more to run the occasional check to ensure nothing is wrong with my site.

By default, no cron job support is needed for WordPress. WordPress just runs the periodic tasks when your website is accessed. Only if you explicitly disable the built-in cron are you required to setup external crons.

Of course, if you disabled the built-in crons before, you should enable them.

You can check your wp-config.php file for DISABLE_WP_CRON. If it’s set to false, or is missing entirely, then the built-in cron system of WordPress should work.

You can trigger the cron jobs by hand by opening the URL https://freschscorner.infinityfreeapp.com/wp-cron.php

Is it possible that the WordPress cron scheduler is being triggered, but something else is broken and the result isn’t processed correctly? If you explicitly run it, and it still doesn’t say it ran, then triggering cron is probably not the issue.


Thanks for the quick response mate.

it’s not in there, I’ve never disabled the WP cron system, which is why I assumed that infinityfree was stopping the cron schedules from running…

That’s interesting, because I get anywhere from 5 to 25 users a day, and my crons have never run on their own. So this is likely an issue on WP’s end, then? For my posts that keep missing their schedule, I have to manually post them after-the fact using a plugin, and no other cron has ever run without me manually triggering it.

I’ve loaded that site and it seems like some of the errors have disappeared, especially the notes under the cron system that says I’m 57 years overdue…
I guess I’ll have to check on WP’s end about what is going on.

In the meantime, I’ve checked my site health and I have a few “suggestions”, are any of these caused by the host and not the WP config/install?

Please read


can’t believe I didn’t see that, thanks so much. I’ll check through it.

Good to see the cache error is not real, because I specifically got super cache due to the site loading really slow, and it didn’t seem to make a difference. Not that big a deal, just a minor annoyance for me personally.

Just confirming - this error message is the failed loopback, correct? Or does this have something to do with crons not triggering properly?

If everything is working well, WordPress should be running the cron tasks. We don’t do anything to make the WordPress cron run or not run.


Alright, so then it’s a WP config issue. Thanks for all the help and sorry for the trouble.

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