My WordPress site was working fine on infinity free. I recently redirected the domain name servers to a different host. I can’t figure out how to login to the WordPress admin that should still be installed on infinity free. Can someone help me figure out how to login to this WordPress install’s admin?
use the admin login option in softaculous?
You should check with the new host
If you change your domain’s nameservers, and those nameservers point your domain name anywhere other than our servers, then ALL traffic to your website will be directed somewhere else. This includes traffic to the WordPress login and admin pages.
I don’t know exactly why you need to access the WordPress admin hosted with us still, but here are a few ways to restore access:
- Change your domain’s nameservers back to us.
- Update your computer’s hosts file to direct the domain to our servers for yourself only.
- Migrate your website files and database to your new hosting provider, so you can login and manage your site there.
I’m trying to migrate my website to another host. I tried using FTP to transfer the database and HTdocs folder but it doesn’t transfer. I wanted to use a particular migration WordPress plug-in that I’ve used in the past to see if I could do the migration that way but I need to login to the WordPress admin first. No matter whether I add “/login” or “/WP-admin” to the and of what cPanel says the domain is now or if I try to login using softoculus, each way does not allow me to access the WordPress login screen.
Changing the name servers doesn’t remove the website from the host, right? Everything still should be there? Any help would be appreciated.
Follow this guide, then import the backup to your new host
Correct, your data isn’t removed, but your website won’t be online (until you install wordpress again on your new host.)
Then get support from the new host…
What do you mean by “it doesn’t transfer”? What do you actually see?
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