Wordpress installation issue

No one. This is a free service, and the support on the forum is given when people are available. If you want on demand support, then you’ll need a diferent (probably paid) service.

End of the day, you get the level of service you pay for. Don’t expect premium service on a free product.

Fair enough. Like I said, I don’t know much about wordpress, I just did some of searching on google to try and help you.


For wordpress specific support, you might be better asking on their forums

or one of the many wordpress sub reddits.


the problem was from the system in here
i installed wp on another hosting it worked once i changed the theme it changed
so what’s the problem here >?

Given how many people install and run wordpress here, I doubt it’s an Infinity free issue specifically. More likely a glitch with you’re install

i installed it on the other website it worked same steps
so tell me how to install it here no issues ?

If you read the guides here, there’s lots of information about how to install wordpress.

I’m not even saying that you made a mistake. You might have done everything right and a system bug caused something to break. Computers are not infalliable.

To quote the famous Jean Luc-Picard “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.”

i uploaded wordpress manually how to install it

Honestly, I dont know having never done it myself.

The reccomended aproach is to install in through softaculous




Installing WordPress here works exactly the same as it works anywhere else. WordPress can run basically anywhere where you have PHP and MySQL. We provide PHP and MySQL, which works exactly the same as PHP and MySQL works anywhere else.

There is zero reason for theme switching to work or not work here but not somewhere else.

There could be a hundred thousand WordPress installations on our hosting, so if theme switching didn’t work on our hosting, you wouldn’t be the only one talking about it.

I don’t know why switching themes doesn’t work for you. It seems you’ve been able to switch it successfully multiple times so far (your site looks different now than it did in your last screenshot, and neither are default WordPress themes as far as I know), so I don’t really see what is the problem to begin with.


Looks like you’ve managed to switch themes now:

Like i said, maybe there was a temporary bug, or a bad config thats fixed. I can’t say for certain.


no i didn’t manage anything i moved the dns back to infinity uploaded the downloaded zip files from wp site
didn’t even install it yet

I had a quick look at your installed site and it appears to be installed.

Specifically, it appears to have been installed by Softaculous.

If you want to install WordPress by hand instead, you can definitely do that. But then you should first remove the current WordPress installation. If you just upload the WordPress files on top of the existing website, then WordPress will see the wp-config.php created by Softaculous and assume it’s the configuration (and database) to use.

That said, your website is using the same WordPress theme that @dan3008 saw before, so it seems that theme switching worked? Or do you see something else?


i didn’t install it i swear it was installed on another hosting
i just downloaded the wordpress files and uploaded it i didn’t even create a SQL database on your site yet

the proof i didn’t i tried to login with the old username and password didn’t work

do you have wordpress by bitnami ?


I reinstalled it over and over it worked

can you tell me admin about wordpress bitnami ?

and how to get all uploaded themes i uploaded to be in a list where it’d be easy for me to find them

It should work exactly the same as any WordPress install on any host.

Not sure what WordPress bitnami is so can’t help you there

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