Wordpress cron Scheduler

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Error Message

Action Scheduler: 47, found; something may be wrong.

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One or more cron events have missed their schedule, and when i instaled wp crontrol, i ahd a message saying that the plugin won’t work properly.

anyone knows the reasons or how to resolve this, if so how ?

Edit : This is the exact message from wp crontrol :

There was a problem spawning a call to the WP-Cron system on your site. This means WP-Cron events on your site may not work. The problem was:
Unexpected HTTP response code: 403

Read this?


thanks for the reply

What about essential crons such as clearing expired transient, and in my case updating woocommerce maxmind key

Essential or not, as long as it is cron, it cannot run.

Unless of course, you trigger it manually by visiting the pages.


The default wp-cron should just work. WordPress just triggers the cron actions in the background while viewing pages.

A health check that checks whether the cron endpoint is reachable will fail because of this security system, but that should not impact regular cron functionality.

As long as you did not disable the default cron functionality, either through settings or plugins, it should just work.


I did not deactivate anything, i kept ignoring the messages about Action Scheduler, but the list of past due actions keeps growing it is at 80+ right now, i dont know if its healthy for the site

It’s definitely not good for your site if the past-due actions pile up.

I did a bit of Googling, and to be clear, “Action Scheduler” is NOT part of WordPress itself. It’s an additional component that’s used by some plugins for background tasks, notably WooCommerce. It does rely on WP-Cron, but it’s not part of it.

One of the sites I read suggested installing the WP Crontrol plugin to get more insight into cron tasks that are scheduled.

A few pending jobs are fine, but if the cron backlog is really not moving along, then that’s an issue.


Yes the list is piling up,

and the fun part is when i run the crons manually or via a plugin like wp crontrol, the list does not Diminich, the crons reappears,

i realy dont see how to fix that thing

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