Will there be an autoupdate for SSL Certs on free hosting?

HTTPS is a must nowdays and manual reupdation of a SSL cert every 3 month is a huge inconvenience.

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That is nonsense. Number of certs is not limited. A cert could be acquired though Let’s Encrypt free serviice, eg.

And the hosting can just shut down sites without visitors (which they actually do)

It is sense, the number of certs are limited. And just because you haven’t hit the limits yet yourself doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

These are the limits for Let’s Encrypt: Rate Limits - Let's Encrypt

These are the limits for Google Trust: Quote e limiti  |  Certificate Manager  |  Google Cloud

As you an see, both have a limit of 100 orders per hour.

ZeroSSL also has limits, as we’ve discovered many times, but they don’t tell what the limits are. They just kinda break their API for you if you hit them.

We’re currently handing out thousands of certificates per day. We occasionally hit the limit at Google Trust, but it’s manageable for now.

Automating certificate renewals for abandoned websites would increase the number of certificates issued and would very likely cause problems with limits.

I’m afraid that doing the automatic renewals will interfere with the inactivity detection and actually result in abandoned accounts staying on the platform for longer.


I appologise for false info. You are right, there are limits. Thanks for clarifications.

The only hope is for some hypothetical destributed SSL cert issue system then :face_with_peeking_eye:

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