Why wont infinityfree free ssl not work

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

nulledplace.ml (my friend’s website)

Error Message

my friend put cloudflare on his domain and when he puts ssl for infinityfree it stays at not ready

Other Information

help why wont infinityfree ssl work :frowning:

Make sure you are adding the CNAME records in Cloudflare then.

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that didnt work, but i deleted cloudflare namservers and then did it and it workd :slight_smile:

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Make sure when adding CNAME records to Cloudflare that you turn thre PROXY OFF. Thats why it didn’t work.


Is not hosted with us. It’s hosted with ProFreeHost. Who, just like us, do not allow pirated content or file sharing.

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