The security system is to prevent usage of non-website things, but what’s wrong with people hosting APIs?
Infinityfree is only for web hosting purposes, not a place for hosting big applications and APIs. The security system is also present to prevent abuse. You can upgrade to premium hosting to leverage such features!
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It may be worth your time reading these:
InfinityFree is a website hosting service. That means that the hosting accounts we provided are intended for hosting websites. Websites contain pages that are accessed through web browsers. InfinityFree is not intended to be used for file sharing, API hosting, database hosting or background tasks/tools.
To help enforce this, free hosting enforces a security system that makes sure that anyone trying to access your website is using a normal web browser. This is done by checking whether the web br…
When you first open your website, you may see the extra characters like ?i=1 at the end of your URL. This article explains more about what causes it, and what you can do about it.
What causes the ?i=1 suffix?
This extra URL parameter is caused by a security system we use to protect your website. This security system ensures that your website can only be accessed through regular web browsers.
What does the ?i=1 suffix do?
The ?i=1 suffix is a counter. When you first load your website, some Ja…