Why is the total disk space of a free account reduced to 5GB?

In my free InfinityFree account cpanel, it says that I only have a total disk space of 5GB. After seeing some original photos of a free account control panel that displayed an unlimited disk space, a question has popped inside my mind: Is it some kind of error, or is did InfinityFree intentionally reduce the disk space of a free account?

Read the below reply from admin!


What do you offered unlimited inodes, as alternate for disk. Disk space is ook for 5GB. But, if I use softacolus and install plugin and/or script. It cut the inode for these files.

is there gonna be any change to give us a bit more disk space ?

Your account is capped at 30,000 inodes or 5 GB of disk used, whichever comes first. I don’t understand what you’re talking about with Softaculous. If you install something through Softaculous, it still uses inodes and disk space.


No. If you want more disk space, consider upgrading to premium.


would u pay it for me ?

Why would they pay for premium for someone whom they don’t even know?


I’m sorry, but are you suggesting that someone who does not know you pay for a service that they will not get benefits from? Premium hosting is not expensive either.


If you want premium, you will pay for it. I won’t pay for someone I don’t know, especially online. It could create a big legal problem, too, and I don’t want to deal with that.


if you rich bro it wont be nothing for u i guess , im egzon and nice to meet you wackyblackie?

Please stop begging.


I will not pay for premium for you, @CasperAL, I don’t know you! I will only pay for myself. As @YT_Xaos says “Please stop begging!”


ok ok why you guys soo mad , sorry jeez
just joking !

We aren’t mad, we are annoyed by the fact that were begging for premium from wackyblackie. Certainly didn’t seem like a joke.


im just bored , was joking

im trying to watch the wheel of time but my website its down

For future reference, this forum is not the appropriate place for jokes like this one. If you would like to inquire about premium, we would be happy to provide you with answers.


Sleep is disabled on free hosting for security reasons. Wordpress should work fine in normal circumstances, but because of the current outage, it might act weirdly. Please wait for the outage to resolve and try again.


okay thank you and sorry again ! :pray:

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