Why is my website look like this? (iFastnet...)

My domain: https://inspi.cf
User Name: epiz_29389452
FTP Host: ftpupload.net
Why is my website look like this?
It connect to the iFastnet.com Special…
Screenshot of my website:

Screenshot of File Zilla at the same time:

See the URL in the address bar? It says suspended-website.com. Maybe a hint of what’s going on?


Your website seems to suspended, the reason can be found in the email, client area, vPanel!

I have already do this.

How can I do now? I’m worry about it…

Oops! You hit the limits, did you check your metrics in vPanel?

I don’t know how to check my metrics in vPanel,
but I can show some clues for you. Thanks!

From the client area (the picture you just posted) click Control Panel. It will give you a bunch of charts and a few messages.

Great… My website won’t come back forever…

That’s what happens from a DDoS attack. And Admin is denying that one happened. So sorry for you :sob:

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What is DDos?
I want my website back!! Any way to do it?? :cry:

I found an article from MDN about DDoS here: Distributed Denial of Service - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms | MDN. Based on the support ticket you shared, I don’t think there’s any way to get your website back. Again, so sorry for you!

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The message says Abuse, so that’s not because of DDoS. Only the hits limit is because of that.

Unfortunately, I find that true.

So how can I fix the problem?

Since you account was suspended for Abuse, that is your own fault. Unfortunately, it sounds like you will not be able to get your account back unless you upgrade. There is no other fix.

But I have never abused it! Why?

As @GreenReader9 said,
You went over the inode limit, which is considered Abuse.
You also appear to be heavily attacked, and you went over the Monthly hit limit of 800k hits/month, which is also Abuse, although there is not much you can do about it now.

But in the future, I suggest using CloudFlare and keep an eye on the inode count. WordPress can fill that (the inode count) up quickly, especially with lots of plugins.

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Can I change my website to a new account?

Yes, you will have to wait 60 days until the account is deleted, and then you can add it again. If you are using an InfinityFree subdomain, you cannot move it to another host.

You should request a backup of your site so you can upload it with ease.

EDIT: If you use a new email address, you will be banned.


where you see that inodes is mentioned ??

How can I request a backup of my site?