Why is it when accounts are re-activated by Support Staff, they activate more than 3?

I’ve had my accounts suspended, and I’ve asked for them to be activated with success. I’ve noticed that when the accounts are re-activated, and you have more than 3 accounts [accounts greater than 3 suspended on request] all of them get re-activated. Now, to avoid any trouble associated with hosting more than what’s allowed, I go ahead and re-close the accounts I have suspended before to be in good standing. This leaves me wondering, why do they do that if it’s not right? In my opinion, before they re-activate the accounts, they should ask what accounts should be active. That way, the user doesn’t have to deal with any trouble.


The technical reason is that the accounts are reviewed by iFastNet staff. But iFastNet staff is not aware of client area profiles, as the hosting platform itself does not have such features. From their perspective, every hosting account is standalone, but multiple accounts may have the same contact email.

Sure, they could check how many accounts are already active given a certain email address, but they don’t check that.

The current situation is not perfect, I agree, but it’s the best we can do right now.


If someone notices that all accounts are re-activated, and they had more than 3, with only 3 or less activated, and they don’t go through the process to de-activate the accounts they don’t want active, how could either InfinityFree or iFastNet notice and take action? I think using more than the enforced limit is considered a violation of the ToS. Since I want to stay compliant with ToS, I do the right thing. There are people who won’t do the right thing.

We could implement checks for this that blocks reactivations if you already have three active accounts, or just automatically deactivates accounts if that happens. But we don’t have that. It’s not that big of a problem so it doesn’t have priority. Especially compared to the many people who purposely sign up multiple times to violate this limit.


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