Why is an account suspended as if it had been opened more than 50,000 times in day if it is not so

Listen, I want to know what’s going on. For the second time in a row, the entire account has been suspended, with a note that there are more than 50,000 hits per day.
It’s just not possible because there’s only some script for testing and that only I know about and I haven’t even consciously visited the account or the site. And now it has been again suspended by the same reason. How is it possible.
Please explain how it is possible to visit the site by sombody else when the subdomain names used have been randomly generated and no one but me knows them. They have simply never been shared with anyone or promoted anywhere.
And for example, after the first blocking, I really only opened a few times, and that was only to check that everything was open at the allowed time. And the result - of course it wasn’t, that’s the reason to try later once again. And now about two hours later, it has been again suspended by the same reason and I see on control panel some kind weird graphs that cannot be also true.
What is going on is my question and I would like an answer to it.
I am waiting for it in my email with precise explanations and reasons.

One hit does not equal one visit.

A very poorly coded website could hit the hits limit in one pageload. I’ve never seen it happen, but it is theoretically possible. Obviously that probably not the case with you, but without more information about your website I can’t do anything but link the above article.


Actually I know the reason and it has nothing to do with any web page or coding, but only with money.
But even more strange is that you block absolutely everything, that is, if the owner even really wants to do something, it is impossible, because absolutely everything, even watching something, is blocked. Including access via cpanel and via ftp. So, anything can’t be changed, deleted or removed. It’s fantastic behaviour.
In short, complete blockade, which is a completely brainless activity.
Besides, the graphs visible on cpanel are wrong, taken from I don’t know where.

This is expected when your account is suspended:

If you think “you know the reason” and that “the graphs are wrong”, we are sorry but we are unable to help. The graphs may sometimes be inaccurate, as alongside the counters they are not updated constantly, but if they show a spike, in most cases you can be certain one exists.

If you think there is something wrong with the server/account you are on, you can try creating a new hosting account from your client area and see if the issue replicates there as well. I’d recommend generating a new, different random subdomain, but you could try using your old one as well and see how it goes.


But other people do know them. You requested SSL certificate for those domains. That means we pass that domain on to the SSL provider so they can provide a certificate for your domain.

And SSL providers don’t keep that for themselves. Every SSL certificate that’s generated by a trusted SSL provider is logged in the public Certificate Transparency Logs. In short, it’s a record of every SSL certificate that is issued.

I’ve seen pretty strong evidence suggesting that malicious hackers are monitoring these transparency logs, looking for sites they can poke for vulnerabilities.

I have no way to tell whether that’s the case here. But it’s simply not true that nobody but you knows the domain.

What you see is what we have recorded. I understand that they are unexpected, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong.

I wasn’t part of the decision making process that resulted in things being the way that they are, but there are a few good reasons why it works the way it does:

Firstly, the purpose of the suspension is to stop you from overloading the servers. That means we must take your website down. We also then don’t want you to immediately remove the domain from the account, set it up on a new account, and continue overloading the servers there. So locking down control panel access has reasons too.

Secondly, the hosting platform basically has only two account states: Active and Suspended. If your account is active, everything works. If your account is suspended, almost nothing works. A suspension is a suspension, whether that happened because you tripped the daily limits or because you did something illegal. It’s technically difficult to have different flavors of suspensions for content violations or resource limit violations.

Besides that, according to the timestamps of the suspensions, your account was up for almost 24 hours after the first reactivation and before the second suspension. So you had plenty of opportunity to investigate and implement a solution.


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