Why does my website show HTTP errors with the code 403 after migrating to infinityfree?

Website URL


Error Message

When testing the REST API, an unexpected result was returned:
REST API végpont: https://pszichoplusz.hu/wp-json/wp/v2/types/post?context=edit
REST API Response: (403) Forbidden

The feedback request is used to run scheduled events and is also used by the built-in editor to check the code stability of templates and plugins. The feedback request resulted in an unexpected http status code (403), it is not possible to determine whether this prevents some operation in the future.

Unable to find page cache, probably due to error in feedback request. We check the success of the feedback request test. Error: Forbidden (Disease: http_403)

A page cache increases the speed and performance of our site by saving and serving static pages instead of re-fetching the page every time a visitor arrives.

Checking for the existence of a page cache consists of searching for an active page cache extension and retrieving three main pages, in which we look for the following HTTP client caching response header: cache-control , expires , age , last-modified , etag , x-cache-enabled , x-cache-disabled , x-srcache-store-status , x-srcache-fetch-status.

Other Information

I’m not sure if all these issues are related, but I keep seeing this error code of 403 again and again. I’ve tried editing the robots.exe to enable Facebook’s crawl, but it didn’t resolve even that issue. I also checked the config.php file to see if any line of code references my previous web host data, but I changed everything to my knowledge. What could I to do resolve this? Thanks in advance!

Please read this:


I see, thank you! Does this affect the fact that when I post a link with my website on Facebook, there is no preview image shown, or is this a separate issue?

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As long as you have open graph tags in the head section of your page(s) html, it should not prevent Facebook from previewing it.

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Could you please help me how to do that? I’m using a wordpress website.

Hello, sorry I was a little wrong in my previous response. Some social media may not preview the website due to the security system I mentioned earlier. however, social media bots that support JavaScript should not encounter this problem. but, there is a workaround. If you use cloudflare, some security features won’t work. Since you have a custom domain, you can set up cloudflare with this guide:

After that you can setup og (opengraph) tags with wordpress, here is a guide that may help:


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