Why does it happen?

Porquê acontece isso? Aparece na área do site e não consigo acessar e nem o painel de admin

translated by MOD
Why does this happen? It appears in the website area and I can’t access it and neither can the admin panel

  1. Speak English

I’ve had the site active for 4 days and I can’t access it

Try removing the domain via vPanel and adding it back in Addon Domains.


Did not work

Well then try clearing your dns cache.
And we cannot check if you do not share a url.

url is http://jornalmantovani.rf.gd/

All I get is a database connection error.

Oque posso fazer?

As we have told you before:

I already told you, and you clearly neglected to read. But here it is again:

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how to clear DNS cache?

I merged your topics @Lucassost, please don’t create multiple on the same issue.

You can learn how to clear your DNS cache by running a quick Google search (It’s faster then waiting for a reply here).

Here, I’ll help you out:


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