January 17, 2023, 1:57pm
Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL
Error Message
This site can’t be reached
lotuslandscaping.co.uk took too long to respond.
Other Information
Why can i not get into my site??
I have checked and can ftp into the site but when i check via web browser it just times out
this has been ongoing for 3 days now
i have check local site works fine but on remote server via web browser nothing
Your website is hosted on the IP address, which is currently down due to a DDoS attack.
I just received information from iFastNet about what is happening.
It appears that these IP addresses are the target of a DDoS attack. To prevent these attacks from causing any further damage, we were forced to take down these IP addresses.
As far as I know, these attacks are still going on after three days and it may take more days for the attacks to pass. Unfortunately, we can’t tell when the attackers will stop, and there isn’t a lot we can do about this issue until that happens.
As with m…
January 24, 2023, 2:44pm
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