Connexion to this site is not secure
My ssl certificate is active
Connexion to this site is not secure
My ssl certificate is active
Hi and welcome to the forum! I can see a deceptive site alert instead, so read this:
what are you talking about?
He is talking about your website and what he sees when trying to access it.
I don’t see a “Connection to this site is not secure” error either. The SSL certificate for your website appears to be active, installed and in use.
However, when accessing your website, I see a warning page from my browser claiming your website is deceptive.
If that’s what you see too, then please see the article above. If you see something else, then please share a screenshot of what you see.
This is strange. The “Connection Not Secure” problem from @rabii0000002 appears to be valid. I was successful in replicating the issue on Firefox ESR, Thorium and Tor Browser. This was done through manual testing process. Both Google Chrome and Chromium browser proceeds normally without any error (including the “Deceptive Site” error).
Operating System: Linux
Both Google Chrome and Chromium shows no error. Only Thorium shows an error.
Chromium Version 134.0.6961.0 (Developer Build) (64-bit)
Google Chrome 132.0.6834.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Thorium Version 128.0.6613.189 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Firefox ESR (latest)
Tor Browser 14.0.4
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