I have found a conflicting name server on infinityfree.net.
The support page says the following is the name server for a custom domain (eg. * ns1.byet(dot)org and * ns2.byet(dot)org …see https://infinityfree.net/support/how-to-use-infinityfree-nameservers/ ) whereas, my page says that for the custom domain must set the following name server eg. ns1.epizy(dot)com ns2.epizy(dot)com , so which one is correct.
Note: I have already updated my domain DNS with ns1.byet(dot)org and * ns2.byet(dot)org but not pointing my website and redirecting to another website.
The following are the domains
Please replace the (dot) for . symbol, because this forum does not allow to use more than 2 links, but it needs to clarify about the issues
Both are correct. ns*.epizy.com is belong to Infinityfree ns*.byet.org is belong to both infinityfree and byethost. I prefer byet because that’s stable than epizy one.
thank you very much for info
Do I need to setup the cname in infinityfree.net even after point the name server with bye t.org ???
sorry for bothering you, I am very amateur with these all contents, that’s why asking such questions
9n1ca.info.np is currently pointing to our nameservers, but arunsingh.info.np is pointing to Cloudflare’s nameservers.
What are you looking to do with CNAME records? For normal website operation, you don’t need to set any CNAME records. The only feature we offer that requires you to set CNAME records is our SSL Certificates tool. And yes, that requires you to set the CNAME records, regardless of who your DNS provider is.
Thank you dear Admin for info. as you told that , 9n1ca.info.np is point to your server but not opening and redirected to my another site arunsingh.info.np, so could you please suggest me the step to open my page and cancel the redirection to another site, please detail me, I am new to web development, please