Where can I find my php file URL which is uploaded in htdocs folder?

If i am using a main Domain name gbdhk0a1.epizy.com/register.php to locate my file it shows error.
Help me ASAP!
I’m also use the ARScorporation.epizy.com/register.php it give me Error like “Fill All Values”

Not your main domain! the domain is which you’ve created while creating your site account :slight_smile:

Your domain is your account’s main domain


Thanks for the reply I’m new here but where can i locate my main domain name?
i am using ARScorporation.epizy.com as Domain name while creating a Domain name Initially.
when i am putting (http://arscorporation.epizy.com/register.php) it shows Some time 404 error or Sometime “Please Fill All Values”

that’s my Screenshot where can i locate my Main Domain name ?

So your problem is due the codes. can you share the codes here?

<?php define('HOST','sql110.epizy.com'); define('USER','epiz_24690982'); define('PASS','XXX'); define('DB','epiz_24690982_bossdata'); $con = mysqli_connect(HOST,USER,PASS,DB) or die('Unable to Connect'); $username = $_GET['username']; $password = $_GET['password']; if($username == '' || $password == '' ) { echo 'please fill all values'; } else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE username='$username'"; $check = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,$sql)); if(isset($check)){ echo 'username already exist'; }else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO login (name,Game_name,Gulid,gender,username,password,youtuber) VALUES('$fullname','$Game_name','$guild','$gender','$username','$password','$youtuber')"; if(mysqli_query($con,$sql)){ echo 'successfully registered'; } else{ echo 'oops! Please try again!'; } } mysqli_close($con); }

Uh oh! Don’t share your hosting account password to a public page! Change it to something else, then change it on the file, because that one is now compromised, and also don’t post the new password again!


I’ll give you to the wrong password don’t worry

<?php define('HOST','sql110.epizy.com'); define('USER','epiz_24690982'); 
 $con = mysqli_connect(HOST,USER,PASS,DB) or die('Unable to Connect');
 $username = $_GET['username']; $password = $_GET['password']; 
if($username == '' || $password == '' ) { 
echo 'please fill all values';
 } else{ 
$sql = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE username='$username'";
 $check = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,$sql)); if(isset($check)){ 
echo 'username already exist';
 $sql = "INSERT INTO login (name,Game_name,Gulid,gender,username,password,youtuber) VALUES('$fullname','$Game_name','$guild','$gender','$username','$password','$youtuber')";
 if(mysqli_query($con,$sql)){ echo 'successfully registered';
 } else{ 
echo 'oops! Please try again!'; } } mysqli_close($con);

Your DB Will be … hacked by a simple sql injection. let us to prepare them for you :slight_smile:

or use this:

oh also do not forget to use


//db codes

Also, don’t forget to add a form with post type POST on the registration page, so that values won’t be posted on the URL, but will be posted on the server instead!


Also if you do not want to put your users in danger. HASH passwords. Well someone are using one password everywhere and Of course Everyone has an evil side. hasn’t that?



so tell me ARScorporation.epizy.co is my DOMAIN name?

Yes, it is, as the Main Domain isn’t accessible to the public. Ah, you also forgot an extra m to com!


Infinityfree’s but you use it.


THANK YOU! for the help

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You can’t actually set DNS records in that domain, since it is actually Infinityfree’s.


FYI: I changed your hosting account password. Please make sure to remove it from any code samples you’re uploading, because all the posts on this forum can be viewed by anyone.


Ok sorry for that

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