When displaying the income graphs by year, it shows me an error. I am using ChartJs

Website URL

(https://cajachicaonline.kesug.com/php/c_grafico_ingresos.php I have an error when I want to show the graphs by years with the chartjs library)

Error Message

(On localhost it works fine but when I upload the project to the server I get this error Access to XMLHttpRequest at from origin ‘https://cajachicaonline.kesug.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.


Other Information

(I updated the chartjs library and I still get that error)

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Your PHP code tries to POST to this address

but that address does not exist
because you named folder “Controller” with a capital letter on the server.

The server is case-sensitive and it is not the same uppercase and lowercase.

Edit your PHP so that it POSTs to this location

/Controller/” instead of “/controller/

or rename the folder “Controller” to lowercase via FTP


tranks solved


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