My epiz_27197885 resource usage graphs has numbers for the Daily Hits graph (0,10000,20000,30000) with usage hovering at the 0. All the other graphs just show green/red lines WITH NO REFERENCE to the numeric values these lines represent.
I received a 50% warning for ep limit a few days ago, then got Account Temporarily Suspended yesterday:
The daily limit you reached was your daily ep limit.
Currently, I’d visit a PHP file (I’m assuming that’s 1 EP hit), then I’d upload a file (another EP hit) for maybe 5 uploads a day. And maybe 5 to 10 more views of the page.
So what is the daily ep limit? Maybe 10 to 20 PHP hits?
I was thinking to save the View part of the PHP into simple HTML, then only have the upload action be the PHP file, which I’d expect to half my EP usage.