Weird aes.js error but on a specific scenario

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Error Message

:globe_with_meridians: Jogadores online: This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support

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This error sometimes happens randomly but to reproduce it 100% of the times, hit F12 then enter the responsive mode where you test the resolution for mobile phones. If you refresh while in this mode then exit developer tools the same error appears until you refresh. If I don’t go there the website works for about 10h (according to a friend of mine) then that error appears again. How do I fix aes.js since I can’t remove it?

Welcome to the InfinityFree Forum!

I can’t seem to replicate your issue using Firefox’s Responsive Device Mode.

AES.JS is part of InfinityFree’s security mechanism, which cannot be changed in any way. Please see:


I’ve tried to recreate the error on OperaGX and seems to work fine. Same on my Google pixel 6a on chrome and browser

What browser are you running on?

For the 10hrs issue, that’s possibly an overload causing your JavaScript to crash.

Since JavaScript is run in browser this would vary from device to device


I spotted this issue. It took a bit for it to appear on Firefox.

Seems like the ability to retrieve code breaks quick.

I spotted in the network console that a file is being called every 5 seconds, which can raise hits usage quickly.

There is a Hits Limit, which can be reached very quickly with this constant-retrieve script.


I couldn’t replicate the error either. It looks like browser-specific behavior to me.

The device simulation alone isn’t enough to cause interference in the security system. The error only appears when you:

  1. disable the browser’s Javascript support
  2. block the cookies being used by the security system
  3. block aes.js file using ad-blockers, network tab in developer tools, etc.
  4. disable certain Javascript features required for aes.js to work (i.e: ES5 features)

As far as I know, neither of these actions happen when you enter device simulation mode. Therefore, it shouldn’t be blamed for this issue.

The latter has something to do with how aes.js was written and browser support. The aes.js found on most Infinityfree websites is quite similar to the various aes.js implementations from open-source libraries (i.e: slowaes). It was written using ES5 syntax or even lower.

The device simulation mode does not change the Javascript engine preference nor the maximum Ecmascript (ES) support level of your browser’s Javascript engine. It is one of the limitations of the device simulation mode. Unless the browser being used for the device simulation mode is incompatible with ES5, compatibility shouldn’t be an issue.

*Refer to the compatibility table for more details about it.


Thanks everyone for the replies, unfortunately I suspended the website temporarily for personal reasons. Yes I call that file every 5 seconds since I tried to create a live online player counter, maybe I need to redo some code or remove it. As for the 10h crash it is possible that an overload is happening since the JS code needs an urgent refactor.

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