Website security

I have a free account for the family website. I think about adding some security but not sure where to look for it. Can anyone give me some info/ ideas on where to start and how much it would cost?


What type of security? Adding a free SSL certificate from is a good start.


If you have a custom domain, CloudFlare is also a good choice and they have a free plan as well.

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There may be specific security plugins depending on the CMS. Like for WordPress, we have WordFence, iThemes, etc.

It may sound stupid but I am a complete layman in these matters and have no clue what am I doing. I just know (took 2 courses online) the basic HTML and CSS coding for my family website.
I opened the control panel, clicked on SSL/TLS (att.1), configured SSL (att.2), generate the key (att.3) and now I am stuck. Have no clue what should I do next (att.4).
Can someone point me to the next step?

We have written this guide which basically walks you through the whole processing of getting an SSL certificate and installing it.

Does this help you?


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