Website not showing anything after uploading files, connecting database and configuring files

Website URL

Error Message

I’m sorry the system doesn’t have any error messages because nothing is showing on the website after I set it up.

Other Information

I have uploaded the necessary files (all in the WordPress open source folder on my local computer - htdocs/mywebsitefolder)

I also imported the database file that I exported from phpMyAdmin on my local computer

Finally, I reconfigured the wp-config.php file in File Manager to match the database data on my assigned account

But when I go to the website on the Internet it shows nothing (cleared cache)

Can you help me solve this problem? Thank you so much!

Torn on error logging, found in control panel under PHP config. Reload page and see if any error messages appear.


DYM “Turn on error logging”? :grinning:

@if0_38064879 Did you turn on PHP error logging/display?

I had a similar problem, which I posted about here a few days ago, where I got a blank page, on my Wordpress site. Though it’s probably not the same issue as what you’re having, even if it looks similar. Mine, it turned out, was due (in part) to some data in the “user roles” field of my old PHP database, conflicting with the new setup.

So if you got the blank page after importing your previous PHP database, then it might be something in there. (People usually look at the 'HOME" and “SITE URL” fields when importing WP databases, but it may not be that). One way to troubleshoot that, is to create a new MySQL database, and see if WP is accessible.

I eventually solved the problem on my end, by simply dropping certain tables from the old database (IIRC “wp_users” and “wp_options”), and replacing them with the same tables from the newly created database. Which had no real impact on my content, and got my install up and running smoothly.

Apart from switching on error messaging for PHP in VistaPanel, you can also add these lines to wp-config.php file, in case it might pop up some information (it goes just before the “stop editing!” line):

define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true );
define( ‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true );


I checked your website and I see a blank page, but also the website responding with a 200 OK status code, meaning WordPress says the page executed successfully.

In my experience, this usually happens if you have your website configured to use a certain theme, but the actual theme files are missing.

To check this, you’ll want to take a look in two places:

  • Open the file manager, and navigate to the wp-content/themes folder of your website, and have a look at the list of folders there. These are the themes that are available.
  • Go to MySQL Databases, and click the button to open phpMyAdmin for your WordPress database. Go to the table with the name that ends with _options, and find the rows where the field option_name is template and stylesheet. The value of these options are the theme that your website is configured to use.

Is the value listed in the database not in the list of folders in the themes directory? Then your website theme is missing.

If you still have the theme files yourself, you can upload them to the themes folder to fix the issue. If not, then you can also see which other themes you have installed, and update the two rows in the database to switch to a different theme (the WordPress default twentysomething themes are always a good choice).


The latest WordPress will show a message complaining about that the theme files are missing in my experience though.

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I have enabled the function as you said and reloaded the page (cleared cache) but the website still does not display any error :((

Thanks for your thoughtful feedback, I will try to fix it your way. Thank you very much!

Yes, I checked according to your two requests and found that FileZilla did not fully upload all the files and folders in my local host WordPress folder (I also got an error when extracting the folder and uploading using FileZilla but it failed, it always reported an error related to Disk Quota exceeded) as well as the MySQL database did not have the rows where the field option_name is template and stylesheet. After I uploaded the additional folder wp-content/themes/mytheme on File Manager (using FileZIlla), the website displayed the information, the only problem was that it seemed to be missing the CSS file for configuration. Thank you very much admin, I will check again my original files, folders and database. Thank you very much for everyone’s help!

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Op! It seems like there is a new problem, how can I access the WordPress admin page on this domain? For my localhost, just add wp-admin behind (eg: localhost/mywebsitefolder/wp-admin/), but on this domain I registered, when adding to the website, it will give an error like the image below, and it seems to be misunderstood related to my previous localhost. I apologize for not having much experience configuring WordPress on a local computer to the Internet, can someone help me with this problem :(( Thank you very much

Accessing the WordPress admin area should normally work exactly as you expect it to: by just adding wp-admin to the end of the URL.

Does trying to access wp-admin on your website bring you to that page? Then I suspect that your WordPress website is still configured to use http://localhost as the website URL, and so WordPress tries to send you to the “right” URL when accessing the admin area.

Can you please try to update your website URL to use the domain name of your website you have with us? This article from WordPress has some ways you can do it (without requiring a working admin area):


Awesome! I followed the “Edit functions.php” way and the error was fixed! Thank you very much Admin, I will try to check and add the missing files manually to get the site working as expected!

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