While opening the website url on laptop safari browser the error message is:
Safari can not open the page because safari can not find the server
While opening the website on mobile chrome browser the error message is:
This site can’t be reached
goldordiamond.cf’s server IP address could not be found
Other Information
In user account, under ssl certificates for this website account, current destination is not found, not ready. I have applied for ssl certificate and changed my cnameservers address in freenom.com as the destination given in user account section under ssl certificates for this website account.
My website is down for about 20 hours now and I hope DNS might have been updated or changed by now so please check and help to make it available if there is any issue from backend.
Thank You.
The issue is now resolved because of support from Infinity Free as below.
Please note that setting up the CNAME records for your domain name does NOT involve changing the nameservers. Please set your domain’s nameservers to ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com and setup the CNAME records through the control panel of your hosting account.