Website IP is down

Website IP is down

Since September 19, around 10:00 UTC, the website IP is down.

The IP address appears to be the target of a DDoS attack. To contain the damage to just this IP address and avoid further impact to the platform as a whole, this IP address has been disabled.

Which components are affected by this issue

Websites hosted on the IP address are unreachable.

You can find the IP address your hosting account is located on in the client area. Simply go to your account, and in the Account Details, look for the Website IP.

What issues may you see

Websites hosted on this IP address will see some kind of connection timeout message, such as:

  • Firefox: The connection has timed out

When will this issue be resolved

The IP address will be brought back online when the attack is over. Unfortunately, we have no way to tell when that will be. The situation is being monitored.

What can you do to fix this

At this time, there are no known workarounds. Please have patience until the IP address is brought back online.


And it’s up again!


It may be up for you, but… it been over 24 hours and my site is still down. Any chance it will be resolved long enough for me to get a back up of all the work I’ve done?

The IP is up and running correctly. Please open a new topic and be sure to fill out the template.


Already have a ticket in for it and was told 24 hours suspension while you handled the DDOS attack.

Oh and BTW your forums won’t allow me to make topic in this category

Because your not supposed to. Use the Hosting Support category


:+1: Thanks

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