If you are the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider: [email protected]
It is possible you have reached this page because:
The IP address has changed…
There has been a server misconfiguration …
The site may have moved to a different server…
Other Information
I recently switched to iFast for certain features before I realized that I didn’t need those features and switched back to InfinityFree. I also switched my domain hosting from whatever Google hosting switched to over to NameCheap. InfinityFree dashboard shows that my name servers are correctly pointed to ns1.infinityfree / ns2.infinityfree, however the ip address is highlighted red with an x next to it:
I’m a video game artist and this is my personal portfolio site. Mentioning this because I am not an IT professional or the like, so if any assistance could be dumbed down and as detailed as possible, I would appreciate it.
Thanks for your reply. I’m just now posting about it but this issue has been present for several weeks. I probably should have included that info in my initial post.
I’m still getting the same error message when trying to access my site. IFast is claiming it has to do with domain propagation, but I’m not sure that’s the issue since it’s been more than 72. Message from IFast support:
"Hi there,
A process called domain propagation now may need to complete in order for you to see your domain online:
What is DNS propagation:
[URL to Wikipedia removed because a max of two links is allowed in a post]
How to clear DNS on Windows :
[Link removed because of limit]
How to clear DNS on Max OS X
[Link removed because of limit]
How to clear DNS on Ubuntu
[Link removed because of limit]
Our recommended simple method for clearing local DNS which works on most computers / OS:
1) Close all browsers. 2) Restart / reboot your router or modem. 3) Restart your computer. 4) Then try your domain.
If this does not work for you, you can wait for domain propagation to complete (48 hours) or you can try upgrading the DNS in your computer to use Google DNS:
[Link removed because of limit]
Then after installing Google DNS restart your computer and router again.
We appreciate your business and if you have any problems or need anything please let us know."
Any ideas on why my website still can’t be accessed?
I checked your website and there are some very weird issues going on. Your website is definitely being hosted from free hosting, but it’s still showing many different pages from cPanel, even though free hosting doesn’t use cPanel. There is also no code on your website that could cause this.
I have asked iFastNet to look into this. I’m guessing that this is some kind of migration anomaly, but I’ve never seen this kind of behavior before.
I’m sorry for the delay. I have talked with iFastNet and they fixed your website.
Apparently, there are some other changes made to accounts when they are upgraded to premium hosting, that were not reverted when you moved back to free hosting.