As title says. Website itself works just fine. But I cannot edit it. Despite it is built with the same Website Builder (WB), something happened and WB cannot read my site properly. I’ve already tried the “import” function for all the pages, however, too many elements are missing, to add them back is basically the same as building the website from scratch.
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I understand the situation or issue correctly. You say you built the website with Site.Pro before? But now you can’t edit it? What happened that could have caused that?
The “Import” feature is intended to migrate sites that are not built with Site.Pro to Site.Pro. It’s a cool tool, but it’s not perfect.
If you’re migrating from an existing Site.Pro website, the Backup/Restore feature lets you migrate the exact site exactly as it was before. That does of course require you to be able to access the builder of the old site.
Note that the version of Site.Pro available with free hosting is a limited version, and not all pages and features are supported. You can purchase an upgrade from Site.Pro to unlock all features.
If this doesn’t help you, can you please explain more about what exactly is not working? Maybe with some screenshots to show what is missing or not working?
I have totally no idea what happened
I just opened builder the other day and it only loaded the first page of my website. I tried refreshing, using 2 other browsers and nothing helped.
Thus I used import feature as the last resort. So now there are all pages, but they are loaded incorrectly - missing elements, pictures, features that worked.
This means Builder is not connected with the real website. Which was was built with it 2 days before and edited with no problems one day before.
I guess I need to reconnect them somehow - the Builder and the Website, I mean. So the Builder would downland and edit the actual info from the website, I have no idea what cache it has and uses to display what I’m seeing, but it’s not my website, just some parts of it.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is possible. The website builder publishes to your website. And normally, any changes you would make to your website outside the builder cannot be imported into the builder. It only works in one direction.
As for why your website in the builder got messed up before, I don’t know. It might have been a temporary glitch in the builder or potential data corruption at Site.Pro. But Site.Pro manages the builder, not we, so I can’t really check.
But I fear that by using the Import feature, you may have permanently erased the original copy of your website. The Import feature works by looking at the live site and trying to “guess” what it would look like in the builder. It saves a lot of effort compared to rebuilding from scratch, but it’s basically impossible to perfectly restore the site.
I’m not sure what else I can do for you. I fear the original copy of your website may be lost forever, and your only option is to recreate it by hand.