Website and wp not indexed by search engines

Unable to find my website ( in google, bing, yahoo or duckduckgo, or elsewhere, nor can i find my wordpress blog content ( anywhere online, even the sites are online for a while. How do I proceed to be indexed by the robots and crawlers, as I already verified my website in google and accessed bing. Robot.xml and Sitemap.xml seems to be fine, without restricting the indexing process and meta data is fine, too. I have no clue. Anybody has experienced the same and how can I improve my SEO to be at least indexed on the most common search engines. I have published content on websites a long period ago and the html code and meta data always worked smoothly, but they were domain and webhosting that I paid for. Is it because of the domain and free webhosting service? What alternatives have I to get published and seen online? Payed webhosting and domain are the only way out to be seen? Is this the problem?
Thank you so very much. Still very urgent. Cheers.

If you added it to Google and bings webmaster tools, there is nothing you can do but wait.

Google and Microsoft are the ones who decide when your domain gets indexed, if it does at all. SEO is not a part of it, as that really only pertains to ranking.

It can take a month or two for your first page to get indexed, and multiple months (if not over a year) for every page to be indexed.


Perfect. Thank you. We did not had to Verify anything in the past. It went automatically. I am just wondering what they want. I still have one doubt:

We entered here

We created these

DNS Records


and when we try to verify, we still get this error message

Verification method:
Domain name provider
Reason for error:
We were unable to find your verification token in your domain’s CNAME records. Sometimes DNS changes take a while to apply. Wait a few hours, then reopen your property in Search Console. If verification still doesn’t work, try adding a different DNS-CNAME record.
Fix your implementation and re-verify, or use another verification method.

Am I too impatient? Do I have to wait more?

I have not seen the option to create a DNS TXT Record there. Is this so?
Please assist. Thank you.

The verification via URL prefix property went smoothly. Thank you very much.

Perfect. Now it worked. Thank you so much for your support. I just have no feeling why or what is the intent of all of it. Content is not anymore important for the robots/crawlers? Are crawlers/robots/the visits from the search machines are frequent afterwards, are they catching new content, for instant, in word press blogs or not at all? Can I manage, increase this frequency in any way? Is it possible to grow in content with infinity webhosting, does it make no difference in comparision with a paid hosting service? With the verifying thing and the tracking and filtering and storing and copying, is it all about controll and selling data? Thank you so very much. Much appreciate.

Content is still king, but Google will prioritize crawling and indexing new content from popular sites with a good reputation than completely new sites.

And possibly relevant: free subdomains have the unfortunate tendency to be penalized in search results, mostly due to noisy neighbors. If ranking highly in Google is important for you, buying your own domain name would be a very good idea.

Paid hosting does generally have higher performance and uptime, and search engines care about that, so there is some benefit. But getting a new site to rank highly is difficult, regardless of the hosting.


Thank you very much for your reply, the given information and your support. We just getting started and we have a request: site got suspended today, was online for ages without problems and we started this forum yesterday. Please, could you remove the site name (2x in first post) and the dash path in the second post plus the dns record Cname as well in the second post too) just to avoid further attacks on this site so it can be reactivated again asap. As it was in time with the posting the reason of the attack should be eliminated for now. Thank you so very much. Sorry for the inconvenience, we were not thinking of a possible attack. Now we are prepared.

Please delete the links. Thank you. Waiting for your quick reply.

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