Want To Report Abuse, SPAM, And SCAM Sites

SPAM Sites on InfinityFree

Some Sites Using EPIZY.COM for Abuse

Where I can report for Instant Action, As a Responsible user of Infinity Free and WWW, I’m reporting these scam sites. Please help How, to whom and where I can report these sites. So we can save people from Financial Loss

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Is it possible to give us more information?
What sites, can you share links, what abuse?


you can make a report from the contacts page


This is not a very good idea in such cases, as this is a public forum.


Please send any abuse reports to [email protected]. Please make sure to clearly state the infringing URLs in the message body.


Thanks, I just sent report

Luring people into thinking they can transact in less price for some items. applied a PHP page with fake alerts.

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