Volume unknown/home dir unknown

Right. You account is affected by a different issue that also happened earlier today.

If you check your account details, you will see that the Home Directory and Hosting Volume of your account are listed as (unknown). When you check the Domains page, you’ll see that the directory of your domain is also listed as (unknown).

Some accounts created today were not set up properly which appears to have resulted in the account simply not having a home directory assigned.

The issue that caused the missing directories appears to have been fixed, but accounts affected by this issue have not yet been fixed.

You can wait for us to fix it, but seeing how it’s a brand new account, you could also just do create a new account instead. You can do this like so:

  1. Go to the Domains page and delete all the domains from the account.
  2. Go into the Account Settings page and deactivate your hosting account.
  3. Create a new hosting account with your domain name.